Membership renewals are due on the 1st November each year
Contact Secretary for forms
Club Newsletters 2020
The Pyrenees Historic Vehicle Club Inc (PHVC) was established in October 2013 and grew from an event held in 2012 to celebrate the 40th birthday of the
HQ SS Holden. Our membership has grown to 230 in our sixth year and the committee is supported by our enthusiastic members.
The club runs are held four times a year in conjunction with the Avoca Riverside Market and they take us to local and district food vendors for lunch and/or afternoon tea. These are well supported by our members and the displays are enjoyed by visitors to the market.
Office Bearers: 2019-20
President: Neil Frost
Vice President : Ash Durant
Secretary: Marg Pilgrim M: 0438546532
Treasurer: Sally Hailey
Committee Members: Above plus Mark Sertori, Hayden Pilgrim, Steve Gleisner, Alex Mansfield, Scott Cooper, Trevor Young,
Minutes Secretary: -
Our AGM is held in October each year -
2020 - Next Club Run
To Be confirmed
March 15th - Motor de Pyrenees historic vehicle display at Natte Yallock Recreation Reserve was cancelled due to Covid-19
Club News
# Polo Shirts and jackets can be ordered from the club secretary.
# We also have a range of merchandise including caps, bar mats, stubby holders